
Linux Install Party

The IEEE student branch Passau has been hosting Linux install parties since 2004. EEE-Tux|\ If you would like to try out the Linux feeling which you know from the CIP pool on your own computer, join us on one of our Linux install parties. Everybody is invited to these events, in particular our dear freshmen. Our competent and experienced Linux gurus help you to take the first steps on your way to the fascinating world of the open source operating system.

PowerPoint Karaoke

|powerpointkaraoke_klein| What do you get if you let some computer science students go to a conference with a randomly generated paper? They give a randomly generated talk! And you can do the same! What happens there? Every participant gives a paper. He will get a projector, a notebook, the audience and the slides from us. Disadvantage: The participant gets slides he has never seen before. In Short: impromptu presentations of each participant When and where?

Preparation course

|Plakat_Vorkurs| As every semester, there is a preparation course, which is held in the week before the lectures start. It includes an introduction to Unix, Emacs and the computer pools held by the pool administrators, a guided tour through the libary, a talk about the possibilities at university, e.g. visting foreign countries (held by IEEE and Fachschaft). You will have the possibility and time to get to know the campus, the pubs and your collegues.

J2EE Courses

What is it all about? With the J2EE Courses we want to give you during 4 IEEE Specials an introduction into software developement with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition. We will try to demonstrat with small examples the possibilities of the J2EE. We use the open source application server JBoss and will publish all examples here, too. What is the J2EE? The Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a Standard for so called multitier applications in Java.
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