
Talks – Tools used at the University

In the winter-term 2012/13 we will host the talk-series “Tools für dein Studium” where some tools will be presented, that may come in handy during your time at the university. Different experienced students will give talks about their favorite tools. They will present software and best practices they discovered during their studies and think that are useful. We will post the slides below after the talks. LaTeX Lieferdienste Shell Versionsverwaltungssysteme ools-studium-2012|

Git talk

it-Special-plakat| Git is one of the most commonly used distributed version control systems (VCS). It has been developed by Linus Torvalds and is known for being used as the VCS for the Linux kernel. In comparison to other VCS, such as Subversion, distributed VCS do not rely on a central repository; in fact, the repository is distributed among all the users. The talk by Michael Käufl offers an introduction to the use of git and explains typical workflows that are usually applied using git.
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