On the 30th of April, a talk on Android App Development was held by Marco and Nico who are both members of our Student Branch Passau. There were about 30 attendees present, showing that the Android framework seems to be something a lot of students are interested in.
Firstly, the two speakers presented general information about Android such as the Android versions and in which ways it is tailored to different devices.
On 2015-01-15 our members Max and Sibi showed the JavaScript framework “AngularJS” to us. It’s a framework to create so called Single Page Applications, developed by Google and a huge community.
Using simple examples of how the framework could be used, they showed us how to use AngularJS (the slides are available on Github). Only view additions to the normal HTML code are needed to create some awesome dynamic effects.
On Thursday, July 3rd 2014, the event Tools for your Software Engineering Project took place for the second time. Students from higher semester introduced some tools that are maybe helpful for the Software Engineering Project.
Attached are the slides of the talks (only available in German).
Talk on SVN and GIT <{static}/uploads/2014/07/git-svn.pdf>__ Talk about code analysis with IntelliJ IDEA <{static}/uploads/2014/07/idea_codeanalyse.pdf>__ Talk on LaTeX <{static}/uploads/2014/07/sep-latex.pdf>__ Bugtracking
Project Management <{static}/uploads/2014/07/projektmanagement.pdf>__
On Thursday, May 22, Olaf and Andreas were invited to give a talk about VIM and how easy it is to work with it. At the beginning, Olaf showed us basic commands like :wq and dd, which should be known by every VIM user. After that he gave us an introduction to a more sophisticated way of using VIM, in order to edit text faster and more efficiently, for example with macros.
.. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/deMarca.jpg :class: size-medium wp-image-831 image-process-w250 :width: 212px :height: 300px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/deMarca.jpg :alt: President Elect of IEEE :align: left
President Elect of IEEE
IEEE President-Elect J. Roberto de Marca will give a speech about Open Access and “Emerging technologies within IEEE”. The talk will be in english.
In advance of the Software Engineering Project (SEP) in the winter term 2013/14 we organized a series of talks helping you to get started with the SEP for the first time.
The slides of each talk can be found here:
Tooluebersicht Bugtracker Idea Codeanalyse <{static}/uploads/2014/02/idea_codeanalyse.pdf>__ Junit LaTex marathonITE Projektmanagement RationalSoftwareArchitect SVN
At the 28th of January 2013, Philipp Jovanovic, a researcher at the Chair of Mathematics with focus Symbolic Computation, gave a talk about „Attacks on Cryptographic Hardware”.
The slides can be downloaded here.
.. rubric:: Abstract: Algebraische Fehlerbasierte Angriffe :name: abstract-algebraische-fehlerbasierte-angriffe Die Untersuchung kryptographischer Verfahren auf ihre Stärke, sprich auf ihre Sicherheit, ist die wesentliche Aufgabe der Kryptoanalyse. Neben der klassischen Kryptoanalyse, die den Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus eines Verfahrens angreift, wurden in den letzten 15 Jahren verstärkt neue Formen der Kryptoanalyse entwickelt, nämlich die sogenannten Seitenkanalangriffe.
it-Special-plakat| Git is one of the most commonly used distributed
version control systems (VCS). It has been developed by Linus Torvalds and is known for being used as the VCS for the Linux kernel. In comparison to other VCS, such as Subversion, distributed VCS do not rely on a central repository; in fact, the repository is distributed among all the users. The talk by Michael Käufl offers an introduction to the use of git and explains typical workflows that are usually applied using git.
|Mag_map-120x120|\ OpenStreetMap is an Open Source Project with the
goal to achieve a worldwide geographic database everyone can use for free. Even today, the data, provided by volunteers, is used in maps, for navigation and as part of websites and mobile apps. In their talk, Michael Käufl and Tobias Knerr will explain the idea of
OpenStreetMap, point out possible applications and will provide a live demo of the first steps for taking part in the project.
On June 22nd 2010, Andreas Fischer, Christopher Auer, Katrin Hanauer,
Philipp Wendler and Sebastian Henneberg gave a series of talks on vim, the well known editor. The talks covered an introduction to vim and its history, as well as advanced topics such as the use of vim for writing LaTeX documents and software programs. The event was completed by a short demo of what you can do with vim
and a talk about the usability concepts around “Act withoud thinking”.