
Continuous Integration for Everybody

Setting up Continous Integration for a project can be quick and easy. Using a Java project with Maven, Jenkins and GitLab as an example, Thomas showed us how they ensure code quality at ONE LOGIC.

Git - Advanced usage and details

Development as a team is an important part of every bigger IT project. Version control are essential for this even if they bing some pitfalls you may want to avoid.

Continous Integration for everyone

Setting up Continous Integration for a project can be quick and easy. Using a Java project with Maven, Jenkins and GitLab as an example, Thomas wants to show us how they ensure code quality at ONE LOGIC.

Git - Advanced usage and details

Working with git has many pitfalls, it is easy to get the local repository to a state that is hard to recover from. And even if everything works as planned, it is not always easy to integrate git into your workflow. This talk will answer those, and other questions based on concrete examples. There will be a short introduction for everyone who has no experience with git in the beginning.


We will get a introduction into the world of crypto currencies likes Bitcoin, what technologies they are build on and what else these ideas can be used for.

Weird C++

This talk wants to show us what an interesting programming language C++ is. Digging into some features will surprise with some strange and unexpected functionality. From beginners to more advanced C++ programmers, everyone will learn new things about this language
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