
Introduction to Scrum

Scrum is an agile approach to software development. This presentation talks about the main differentiators of scrum against classical waterfall, the scrum ‘process’ - if you will, the roles people have to fulfill, and the (few) artifacts that are being produced during that ‘process’.

From Idea to Startup to Company

On Monday, January 14, 2019, Dr. Andreas Böhm visited the IEEE Student Branch. Under the slogan “Data Science from Garage to Production”, the founder and managing director of the company ONE LOGIC talked about the success story of his former Start-Up. In just five years he managed to acquire many customers and recruit 130 employees.

All About Siltronic

A basic component of all electronic systems today are high purity silicon wafers. These are produced by only a few companies in the world. One of them reports about challenges in their industry.

From Idea to Startup to Company

In this talk Dr. Andreas Böhm, the founder and executive director of ONE LOGIC, will describe the way of a small startup towards one of the top 50 companies in Bavaria_. Questions from the audience are welcome!

Basics of Embedded Hardware Design

As electronic components are getting smaller, more capable and more complex every year, using them in a DIY setting is becoming more difficult. Find out how to get started with embedded development in this talk!
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