
Tools for your Software Engineering Project

On Thursday, July 3rd 2014, the event Tools for your Software Engineering Project took place for the second time. Students from higher semester introduced some tools that are maybe helpful for the Software Engineering Project. Attached are the slides of the talks (only available in German). Talk on SVN and GIT <{static}/uploads/2014/07/git-svn.pdf>__ Talk about code analysis with IntelliJ IDEA <{static}/uploads/2014/07/idea_codeanalyse.pdf>__ Talk on LaTeX <{static}/uploads/2014/07/sep-latex.pdf>__ Bugtracking Project Management <{static}/uploads/2014/07/projektmanagement.pdf>__

Tools for your SEP

In advance of the Software Engineering Project (SEP) in the winter term 2013/14 we organized a series of talks helping you to get started with the SEP for the first time. The slides of each talk can be found here: Tooluebersicht Bugtracker Idea Codeanalyse <{static}/uploads/2014/02/idea_codeanalyse.pdf>__ Junit LaTex marathonITE Projektmanagement RationalSoftwareArchitect SVN
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