
Looking back to the Eggdrop Contest 2015

This year, again as part of the Campusfest, our 6. Eggdrop Contest recently took place. Despite of rainy weather in the afternoon of May 23 14 teams took the challenge of constructing a device called “Eggdropper” to protect a raw egg from breaking while falling from a height of 20 meters onto the ground. To lift the Eggdroppers into the air a turntable ladder was used which was provided by the volunteer fire department of Passau which also allowed the participants to enjoy the view of Passau from above.

Looking back to the Eggdrop Contest 2014

.. raw:: html At the 7th of June 2014 our 5. Eggdrop Contest took place. This time it was part of the Campusfest. 9 teams had set themselves to the task of building an Eggdropper which is a construction to protect a raw egg from breaking while falling freely from a height of 20 meters onto the ground. At the end four of the nine teams succeeded. .. raw:: html

Egg-Drop Contest

|Anmeldeinformation „EGG-DROP-CONTEST XXL”| The IEEE Student Branch Passau hosts the so called Egg-Drop-Contest, where you have to protect chickens eggs when they are dropped from a height of \ [STRIKEOUT:10] [STRIKEOUT:15] 20 meters. The eggs will be put into a so called egg-dropper, any kind of construct, built by you, to protect the egg, and then, the whole thing will be dropped. The one who built the best egg-dropper will win.
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