

We want to thank our Sponsor CipSoft for paying for the gadgets and the pizza! JRobots Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework A team, a bot and an arena. During four hours, the participants developed algorithms for a Java-Bot – Aiming, driving and shooting have to be perfect so a bot can stand its ground. Your bot can drive around, can find the enemy with its scanner and is equipped with a fat cannon to kick you enemies ass.

Egg-Drop Contest

|Anmeldeinformation „EGG-DROP-CONTEST XXL”| The IEEE Student Branch Passau hosts the so called Egg-Drop-Contest, where you have to protect chickens eggs when they are dropped from a height of \ [STRIKEOUT:10] [STRIKEOUT:15] 20 meters. The eggs will be put into a so called egg-dropper, any kind of construct, built by you, to protect the egg, and then, the whole thing will be dropped. The one who built the best egg-dropper will win.


We want to thank our Sponsor CipSoft for paying for the gadgets and the pizza! JRobots Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework A team, a bot and an arena. During four hours, the participants developed algorithms for a Java-Bot – Aiming, driving and shooting have to be perfect so a bot can stand its ground. Your bot can drive around, can find the enemy with its scanner and is equipped with a fat cannon to kick you enemies ass.


JRobot Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework One team, one robot, one arena. Within four hours the participants develop a control algorithm for a Java-bot - target acquisition, path finding and everything which is helpful for a robot to hold its ground. Several methods are provided for controlling your bot: you can move it, you can use the radar to find your enemies and you can control the fat rocket launcher mounted onto your bot to give your enemy hell.

Weekend of Code

eekendOfCode| The Weekend of Code is about writing a program from Friday Evening until Sunday Morning which will be scored by several different criteria (usability, efficency, creativity, …). The best teams (up to 7 people) will be rewarded. Allowed are programs of all kind in every programming language. But consider that a program written in Brainfuck may get better a score than a program in Java. Beside the competition the exchange between the teams is also an important aspect.
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