
IEEEXtreme 9.0

The IEEEXtreme is a yearly international programming competition hosted by IEEE, where students all over the world try to solve programming challenges over the course of 24 hours. Four teams of three students form Passau took part in this year’s competition. Further we were joined by two teams from the neighboring student branch at the OTH Regensburg <>__. To see our participants at work, cracking down on the problems (and

Kanban-Pizza Game

Unser Sponsor msgGillardon war am 28. Mai mit einem Workshop zu Kanban-Systemen bei uns zu Gast. Bei agilen Entwicklungsmethoden wird auch besonders auf Effizienz geachtet werden, sodass keine Ressource ungenutzt bleibt. Es wird also nur beim Vorgänger im Produktionsfluss angefragt, wenn eine Nachfrage besteht. Dies wird im Prinzip auch bei Scrum eingesetzt. Erst wenn ein Team seine Aufgaben in einem Sprint erledigt hat, bekommen sie Neue. Der Scrum Master ist in diesem Fall der Kanban-Regelungskreis und regelt die Arbeitslast zwischen Team und Product Owner.

Looking back to the Eggdrop Contest 2015

This year, again as part of the Campusfest, our 6. Eggdrop Contest recently took place. Despite of rainy weather in the afternoon of May 23 14 teams took the challenge of constructing a device called “Eggdropper” to protect a raw egg from breaking while falling from a height of 20 meters onto the ground. To lift the Eggdroppers into the air a turntable ladder was used which was provided by the volunteer fire department of Passau which also allowed the participants to enjoy the view of Passau from above.

IEEE Advent calendar 2014 retrospect

With our prize giving ceremony at the 26.01.2015 the advent calendar 2014 has completed. Thanks to all participants and we congratulate the winners alefu, 3_of_8, conan_the_librarian, Frodewin, ChiliconCarne and Mat2095! This year we had 91 registered participants and a total of 2,309 submissions. The outcome of this were 8,505 test cases our backend had to manage. You will find an archive with all of these 24 tasks and the slides from the final presentation at the end of this report.

IEEE Advent calendar

|Advent calendar|\ IEEE SB Passau offers this Christmas season an Advent calendar again. Every day take a new chance to open a window of our calendar and solve the problem behind it. If you have completed all tasks successfully and have passed the test cases, a Raspberry Pi B+ may be waiting for you. Go to .. |Advent calendar| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/11/Advent1.jpg :class: alignright size-medium wp-image-6210 image-process-w250 :width: 212px :height: 300px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/11/Advent1.

Poster Competition

The IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2014 took place in Krakow from August 4th until August 10th. Passau was represented by six student branch members. To present their activities at the congress, each branch was asked to create a poster before traveling to Krakow. oster Passau|\ Additionally, a competition was held to determine the best posters. Each congress visitor was able to cast one vote for his or her favorite poster.

Looking back to the Eggdrop Contest 2014

.. raw:: html At the 7th of June 2014 our 5. Eggdrop Contest took place. This time it was part of the Campusfest. 9 teams had set themselves to the task of building an Eggdropper which is a construction to protect a raw egg from breaking while falling freely from a height of 20 meters onto the ground. At the end four of the nine teams succeeded. .. raw:: html

FIM Barbecue Party

At the 17th of June 2014 we organized the FIM Barbecue Party together with the Fachschaft Informatik. Professors, research assistants and students met at the place between the FIM and the ITZ eating steaks and sausages and drinking beer. Even though the weather was not perfect at first, over 100 people attended the party. Along with food and drink, we saw to fun and excitement organizing the first Beer-Box-Far-Piling-Event. SC02825|

Advent calendar

dventskalender_Plakat| Like last year the IEEE SB Passau provides an Advent calender. “Code, no chocolate!” – There are 24 tasks to solve and everyone is invited to take part in this competition. Every day at 0:00 o’clock there will be a new programmers task. You may solve it in Java, Python, C, C++ or PHP. The code is tested by us and accepted if the task is solved correctly. Of course there will be an award for the best coders.

JRobots Contest

JRobot Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework One team, one robot, one arena. Within four hours the participants develop a control algorithm for a Java-bot - target acquisition, path finding and everything which is helpful for a robot to hold its ground. Several methods are provided for controlling your bot: you can move it, you can use the radar to find your enemies and you can control the fat rocket launcher mounted onto your bot to give your enemy hell.
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