
JRobots 2018

We have organized another JRobots, where you can show your programming skills at controlling

JRobots 2017

We have organized another JRobots, where you can show your programming skills at controlling

jRobots 2016

inners| On June 11, we again had a jRobots event. For this event, Wolfgang Scholz of iteratec and Raymund Fülöp of Cipsoft came to Passau to hold the competition. Again, the fights were interesting due to a changed ruleset of the framework, which caused the participants to think of new algorithms. New features were a new weapon and a different behaviour of the sensors. .. |winners| image:: {static}/uploads/2016/06/jrobot_winners.jpg :class: size-medium image-process-w250 alignleft :target: {static}/uploads/2016/06/jrobot_winners.

Advent calendar

oster_nobrand| Slides of the award presentation (german): here By now it’s already a small tradition: the award-winning programming advent claendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau. The 4th time in a row there will be a daily programming task set during advent time. Everyone may participate and the are cool prizes waiting. Starting from the first day of December there will be a new task behind the door every day. These tasks include problems from various fields of computer science and range from easy to hard.
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