
Research Talk with Philipp Jovanovic: Attacks on Cryptographic Hardware

At the 28th of January 2013, Philipp Jovanovic, a researcher at the Chair of Mathematics with focus Symbolic Computation, gave a talk about „Attacks on Cryptographic Hardware”. The slides can be downloaded here. .. rubric:: Abstract: Algebraische Fehlerbasierte Angriffe :name: abstract-algebraische-fehlerbasierte-angriffe Die Untersuchung kryptographischer Verfahren auf ihre Stärke, sprich auf ihre Sicherheit, ist die wesentliche Aufgabe der Kryptoanalyse. Neben der klassischen Kryptoanalyse, die den Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus eines Verfahrens angreift, wurden in den letzten 15 Jahren verstärkt neue Formen der Kryptoanalyse entwickelt, nämlich die sogenannten Seitenkanalangriffe.


We want to thank our Sponsor CipSoft for paying for the gadgets and the pizza! JRobots Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework A team, a bot and an arena. During four hours, the participants developed algorithms for a Java-Bot – Aiming, driving and shooting have to be perfect so a bot can stand its ground. Your bot can drive around, can find the enemy with its scanner and is equipped with a fat cannon to kick you enemies ass.

Talks – Tools used at the University

In the winter-term 2012/13 we will host the talk-series “Tools für dein Studium” where some tools will be presented, that may come in handy during your time at the university. Different experienced students will give talks about their favorite tools. They will present software and best practices they discovered during their studies and think that are useful. We will post the slides below after the talks. LaTeX Lieferdienste Shell Versionsverwaltungssysteme ools-studium-2012|

Egg-Drop Contest

|Anmeldeinformation „EGG-DROP-CONTEST XXL”| The IEEE Student Branch Passau hosts the so called Egg-Drop-Contest, where you have to protect chickens eggs when they are dropped from a height of \ [STRIKEOUT:10] [STRIKEOUT:15] 20 meters. The eggs will be put into a so called egg-dropper, any kind of construct, built by you, to protect the egg, and then, the whole thing will be dropped. The one who built the best egg-dropper will win.

Git talk

it-Special-plakat| Git is one of the most commonly used distributed version control systems (VCS). It has been developed by Linus Torvalds and is known for being used as the VCS for the Linux kernel. In comparison to other VCS, such as Subversion, distributed VCS do not rely on a central repository; in fact, the repository is distributed among all the users. The talk by Michael Käufl offers an introduction to the use of git and explains typical workflows that are usually applied using git.


We want to thank our Sponsor CipSoft for paying for the gadgets and the pizza! JRobots Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework A team, a bot and an arena. During four hours, the participants developed algorithms for a Java-Bot – Aiming, driving and shooting have to be perfect so a bot can stand its ground. Your bot can drive around, can find the enemy with its scanner and is equipped with a fat cannon to kick you enemies ass.

Talk about OpenStreetMap

|Mag_map-120x120|\ OpenStreetMap is an Open Source Project with the goal to achieve a worldwide geographic database everyone can use for free. Even today, the data, provided by volunteers, is used in maps, for navigation and as part of websites and mobile apps. In their talk, Michael Käufl and Tobias Knerr will explain the idea of OpenStreetMap, point out possible applications and will provide a live demo of the first steps for taking part in the project.

Vim - more than just :wq!

On June 22nd 2010, Andreas Fischer, Christopher Auer, Katrin Hanauer, Philipp Wendler and Sebastian Henneberg gave a series of talks on vim, the well known editor. The talks covered an introduction to vim and its history, as well as advanced topics such as the use of vim for writing LaTeX documents and software programs. The event was completed by a short demo of what you can do with vim and a talk about the usability concepts around “Act withoud thinking”.


JRobot Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework One team, one robot, one arena. Within four hours the participants develop a control algorithm for a Java-bot - target acquisition, path finding and everything which is helpful for a robot to hold its ground. Several methods are provided for controlling your bot: you can move it, you can use the radar to find your enemies and you can control the fat rocket launcher mounted onto your bot to give your enemy hell.

Ask your questions on Stud.IP

On Monday, December 7th 2009, the Stud.IP team will talk about their hardware and software and offer the opportunity to ask questions. Additionally, you may ask for new features or other changes on the system. Among other things, they will talk about: Statistics on server requests and load Server choice: hardware and software Historical overview: how everything began Scheduled features (roadmap) Feature requests … and many more.
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