
IEEE Student Conference - Deadline extended

|conf14_cfp| From June 26th to 27th, the IEEE Germany Student Conference will take place for the fifth time. Submissions are possible until February, 28st. More information is available here. .. |conf14_cfp| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/conf14_cfp.jpg :class: size-medium wp-image-1669 alignright image-process-w250 :width: 217px :height: 300px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/conf14_cfp.jpg

IEEE Student Branch Passu celebrates its 25th birthday

On February 20, IEEE Student Branch Passau celebrates its 25th\ |Egg-Drop-Contest| anniversary. We are glad to be participating in and enhancing day-to-day life at the university with fascinating talks and workshops for Passau’s Computer Science students. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary in summer, following the 5th IEEE Germany Student Conference. We organize events like Research Talks and “Professors face-to-face”, where we invite professors to talk about their life and career.

Advent calendar

dventskalender_Plakat| Like last year the IEEE SB Passau provides an Advent calender. “Code, no chocolate!” – There are 24 tasks to solve and everyone is invited to take part in this competition. Every day at 0:00 o’clock there will be a new programmers task. You may solve it in Java, Python, C, C++ or PHP. The code is tested by us and accepted if the task is solved correctly. Of course there will be an award for the best coders.

JRobots Contest

JRobot Coding Convention .. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework The current JRobots-Framework One team, one robot, one arena. Within four hours the participants develop a control algorithm for a Java-bot - target acquisition, path finding and everything which is helpful for a robot to hold its ground. Several methods are provided for controlling your bot: you can move it, you can use the radar to find your enemies and you can control the fat rocket launcher mounted onto your bot to give your enemy hell.

Tools for your SEP

In advance of the Software Engineering Project (SEP) in the winter term 2013/14 we organized a series of talks helping you to get started with the SEP for the first time. The slides of each talk can be found here: Tooluebersicht Bugtracker Idea Codeanalyse <{static}/uploads/2014/02/idea_codeanalyse.pdf>__ Junit LaTex marathonITE Projektmanagement RationalSoftwareArchitect SVN

Gentoo Install Party

entooInstallParty|\ As the installation of Ubuntu is easy nowadays it’s not worthwhile anymore to organize a Linux Install Party so we invented something new! We show you how to install a Gentoo system from ground up und how to perform the first steps. Ssecondarily we explain to you how to compile your own kernel und how to use the basic tools. You can not only listen to exciting talks from professionals who use Gentoo in a productive environment but also install the system on your own brought Machine.

Linux Install Party

The IEEE student branch Passau has been hosting Linux install parties since 2004. EEE-Tux|\ If you would like to try out the Linux feeling which you know from the CIP pool on your own computer, join us on one of our Linux install parties. Everybody is invited to these events, in particular our dear freshmen. Our competent and experienced Linux gurus help you to take the first steps on your way to the fascinating world of the open source operating system.

PowerPoint Karaoke

|powerpointkaraoke_klein| What do you get if you let some computer science students go to a conference with a randomly generated paper? They give a randomly generated talk! And you can do the same! What happens there? Every participant gives a paper. He will get a projector, a notebook, the audience and the slides from us. Disadvantage: The participant gets slides he has never seen before. In Short: impromptu presentations of each participant When and where?
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