
Report of our professors face-to-face with Prof. Wirth

|Wirth|\ On Thursday the 23rd of October 2014, professor Dr. Fabian Wirth introduced himself at our professors personally event. First, he gave everyone a detailed insight into his academic and professional career. After conferring his doctorate in Bremen, he set off to Italy, Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, and France for several short research trips. After these trips, he worked at the Hamilton Institute in Ireland. One of the research topics was concerned with improving the implementation of TCP to use high-bandwidth links more efficiently (see:http://en.

R8 SYP Congress Krakow

Six members of the SB Passau visited the IEEE Region 8 Student & Young Professional Congress in Krakow from August 5th 2014 till the 10th. riving to the SYP2014|\ Our journey started in the early morning hours of August 5th in Passau. We loaded two cars with our luggage, and Student Branch members of course, and drove through Austria and the Czech Republic to Poland. After a long drive and some detours we finally arrived at the hostel in Krakow during the early afternoon.

Poster Competition

The IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2014 took place in Krakow from August 4th until August 10th. Passau was represented by six student branch members. To present their activities at the congress, each branch was asked to create a poster before traveling to Krakow. oster Passau|\ Additionally, a competition was held to determine the best posters. Each congress visitor was able to cast one vote for his or her favorite poster.

Tools for your Software Engineering Project

On Thursday, July 3rd 2014, the event Tools for your Software Engineering Project took place for the second time. Students from higher semester introduced some tools that are maybe helpful for the Software Engineering Project. Attached are the slides of the talks (only available in German). Talk on SVN and GIT <{static}/uploads/2014/07/git-svn.pdf>__ Talk about code analysis with IntelliJ IDEA <{static}/uploads/2014/07/idea_codeanalyse.pdf>__ Talk on LaTeX <{static}/uploads/2014/07/sep-latex.pdf>__ Bugtracking Project Management <{static}/uploads/2014/07/projektmanagement.pdf>__

Looking back to the Eggdrop Contest 2014

.. raw:: html At the 7th of June 2014 our 5. Eggdrop Contest took place. This time it was part of the Campusfest. 9 teams had set themselves to the task of building an Eggdropper which is a construction to protect a raw egg from breaking while falling freely from a height of 20 meters onto the ground. At the end four of the nine teams succeeded. .. raw:: html

FIM Barbecue Party

At the 17th of June 2014 we organized the FIM Barbecue Party together with the Fachschaft Informatik. Professors, research assistants and students met at the place between the FIM and the ITZ eating steaks and sausages and drinking beer. Even though the weather was not perfect at first, over 100 people attended the party. Along with food and drink, we saw to fun and excitement organizing the first Beer-Box-Far-Piling-Event. SC02825|

Vim - the modern IDE

On Thursday, May 22, Olaf and Andreas were invited to give a talk about VIM and how easy it is to work with it. At the beginning, Olaf showed us basic commands like :wq and dd, which should be known by every VIM user. After that he gave us an introduction to a more sophisticated way of using VIM, in order to edit text faster and more efficiently, for example with macros.

Professors face-to-face – Prof. Dr. Amft

On April 24, 2014 Prof. Dr. Amft has been our guest in a professors face-to-face. He spent one and a half hours to talk about his career, his research and his ambitions. Professor Amft has been holding the new Chair for Sensors Technologies, which was created in the context of the “Technik Plus” program, since January 1, 2014. He deals with senors systems and their application in daily things like health or alimentation.

Roberto de Marca: Emerging technologies within IEEE

.. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/deMarca.jpg :class: size-medium wp-image-831 image-process-w250 :width: 212px :height: 300px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/deMarca.jpg :alt: President Elect of IEEE :align: left President Elect of IEEE IEEE President-Elect J. Roberto de Marca will give a speech about Open Access and “Emerging technologies within IEEE”. The talk will be in english.

Beginning of the summer term 2014

The IEEE Student Branch Passau wishes all students a good start in the summer term 2014. We want to invite you at the same time to join our first regular meeting on 2014/04/07. It starts at 6pm c.t. in the room IM 242, afterwards we will have a dinner at the restaurant “Akropolis Athen”.
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