
ATOS Live Hacking Talk

On June 30th, two penetration testers of ATOS, Alex and Stephan, visited us. About 50 people joined the talk. While Alex explained the backgrounds and methods to us, Stephan worked as the attacker. The took a simulated web shop as their example and were looking for weaknesses in it. The started with a cross-site-scripting attack in order to get the admin’s session; combined with a cross-site-request-forgery, the web page was manipulated and some bugs were shown.

Micro-Epsilon - automatic detection of lack defects

After last year’s exciting talk we had the pleasure of having Achim Sonntag of Micro-Epsilon again for a talk. This time his talk was on automated detection of paint defects with the reflectCONTROL system. He started with an introduction in the structure and work of the global acting company, Micro-Epsilon. Cooperations with different universities, for example the institute FORWISS at the University of Passau, are very interesting. Besides their current orders, the main focus of the talk was reflectCONTROL, a roboter-based system to detect paint defects on cars.

A Beginner’s Guide to Scientific Data Presentation using LaTeX

Evaluating the work done for a seminar paper, a thesis, or even a scientific publication often forces students to present a large amount of data in a consistent and appropriate way. Doing so, one will encounter many pitfalls due to the complexity of the task. It can be a long-running and frustrating process to find out, which way works the best. Although, we cannot provide universally valid rules, we want to give some hints and guidelines with this work. Therefore, we present formal aspects, packages and tools, that are helpful when presenting the evaluation results and data in general.

Git - Better commit than sorry

Dass git ein mächtiges Werkzeug ist, davon wurden am Montag dem 25.4. alle Anwesenden überzeugt, als es hieß “Git - better commit than sorry”. Florian hielt einen umfassenden Vortrag, bei dem jeder etwas dazulernen konnte. Am Anfang wurden für alle git-Neulinge die Basics vorgestellt, auf die dann im Laufe des Vortrags immer wieder aufgebaut wurde. So wurden neben dem normalen Arbeitsablauf mit git auch erweiterte Szenarien vorgestellt und einige Interna, wie der baumartige Aufbau der Commits selber.

Advent calendar

oster_nobrand| Slides of the award presentation (german): here By now it’s already a small tradition: the award-winning programming advent claendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau. The 4th time in a row there will be a daily programming task set during advent time. Everyone may participate and the are cool prizes waiting. Starting from the first day of December there will be a new task behind the door every day. These tasks include problems from various fields of computer science and range from easy to hard.

Open Source Development

Last Thursday, 19th of November, we have had the honor of recieving an all surrounding talk about the topic Open Source Development, reaching from what license to use over the steps how a project is changed and developed over time and finally how to distribute your package to the rest of the world. Therefor the both ex-members of the IEEE Student Branch Passau went further into detail about Version Control Systems (like GitHub for example), how to version your process correctly and keep track of the changes.

IEEEXtreme 9.0

The IEEEXtreme is a yearly international programming competition hosted by IEEE, where students all over the world try to solve programming challenges over the course of 24 hours. Four teams of three students form Passau took part in this year’s competition. Further we were joined by two teams from the neighboring student branch at the OTH Regensburg <>__. To see our participants at work, cracking down on the problems (and

Beginning of the winter term 2015

The IEEE Student Branch Passau wishes all students a good start in the winter term 2015. We want to invite you at the same time to join our first regular meeting on 2015/10/19. It starts at 6pm c.t. in the room IM 242. There we will introduce ourselves, and talk about organizational stuff for planned events. Afterwards we will have a dinner at the restaurant “Akropolis Athen”.

IEEE Germany Student Conference 2015

On Wednesday, June 17th, four members of our branch took a long ride to Hamburg to participate at the 6th IEEE Germany Student Conference at the TU Hamburg-Harburg. On our way we also picked up two members of the Regensburg Student Branch, who joined our ride. After arriving at the Hostel near Hamburg’s football stadium, we started our search for a dinner at Hamburg’s wellknown “Schanzenviertel”. After having a breakfast the next morning, we took the S-Bahn to Harbug, where to conference took place.

Retreat weekend 2015

The Weekend of the 12th to 14th July, one of our “Members-only” events, the retreat weekend took place. On Friday afternoon, 15 of our members started their trip to a small cottage in Haidmühle 45 minutes out of Passau near the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. As a special guest, the Past-Chair of the IEEE Student Branch from Regensburg followed our invitation and joined us. After the arrival and check-in, the weekend got kicked of with coffee and self made pie.
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