Like every year we showed a selection of tools that are useful for
Setting up Continous Integration for a project can be quick and easy. Using a Java project with Maven, Jenkins and GitLab as an example, Thomas showed us how they ensure code quality at ONE LOGIC.
Development as a team is an important part of every bigger IT project. Version control are essential for this even if they bing some pitfalls you may want to avoid.
Not in the mood for chocolate but you like the thought of an Advent calendar? You don’t know what to do with all the time until Christmas? Then take the challenge and participate in the Advent calendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau!
This is already the sixth iteration of our big programming Advent calendar with a small (or bigger) challenge for each day. We provide interesting tasks for novice coders as well as experienced developers.
Professor Sauer held a very interesting presentation about the topic. He showed some examples of how mathematics impact the brain and how diverse the separate areas in our head react to different numbers and methods. He also made great use of his own experiences in this field he gained from working together with the university of Gießen and drew a fascinating connection between mathematics and medical science. Thus also non-mathematicians were able to learn to differentiate between calculating numbers and doing mathematics via scientific images of the brain and understand the complex modeling of such data, that in its theory even reaches to the model of tone.
On the 26th of November the Iteratec GmbH was hosting a coding dojo at the University of Passau, entitled “Baby Steps - a very practical introduction into testdriven development”. Dojo is japanese and literally translates to “place of the way”, but more frequently is used as the training area in martial arts. For the participants this converted into test-driven pair-programming and always implementing the smallest “baby-steps” of code possible for a certain usecase.
In the course of our first meeting on October 10, 2016, we were able to announce some awards the Student Branch received recently.
For the second time we were able to receive the IEEE Region 8 Exemplary Student Branch Award. This honor is awarded to Student Branches that on the one hand act on behalf of the rules of IEEE and on the other hand perform extraordinarily. The figure shows our chairman Stephan Lukasczyk and our vice-chairman Sebastian Böhm with the IEEE Region 8 Exemplary Student branch Award.
Like every year we will show a selection of tools that are useful for
On June 11, we again had a jRobots event.
For this event, Wolfgang Scholz of iteratec and Raymund Fülöp of Cipsoft came to Passau to hold the competition. Again, the fights were interesting due to a changed ruleset of the framework, which caused the participants to think of new algorithms. New features were a new weapon and a different behaviour of the sensors.
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On June, 13th, 2016 three PhD students of Professor Apel’s Chair of Software Engineering visited us: Alexander Grebhahn, Claus Hunsen, and Andreas Stahlbauer. All three gave us an introduction into their research topics.
The first talk by Alexander Grebhahn was about non-functional properties and optimization. It is a significant topic in the context of Configurable Software Systems (CSS) because of the combinatorial explosion of the number of possible configurations. He presented different approaches to evaluate the performance of the different configurations to us.