
J2EE Courses

What is it all about? With the J2EE Courses we want to give you during 4 IEEE Specials an introduction into software developement with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition. We will try to demonstrat with small examples the possibilities of the J2EE. We use the open source application server JBoss and will publish all examples here, too. What is the J2EE? The Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a Standard for so called multitier applications in Java.


On the 5/17 we were honored by ex-student branch member Tobias Hilbig from Munich, who shared his knowledge about crypto-currencies and so called “Smart Contracts”. He gave a technical introduction on how the blockchain functions, how crypto-currencies, especially Bitcoin, developed and how realistic the relevance of this topic might be in the future. All of this was shown with examples of transactions and multiple statistics. Also an insight into the Do’s and Don’ts of trading crypto-currencies was given.
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