Stratosphere Flight

The radio amateurs Pocking ( launch a stratospheric balloon with us, the IEEE SB Passau. It is a light unmanned free balloon for meteorological purposes.

It is the ninth balloon launch the team of radio amateurs performs with pupils and students. In the last years among other things in the course of the Pockinger city anniversary during the citizen celebration, with the University of Passau of the Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik from Ortenburg and the Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking. As an alternative date in case of bad weather, the family festival district Passau in Ruhstorf, starting from the outdoor pool area, is planned.

About the schedule: After checking the weather and the airspace, the balloon envelope is filled with helium. Underneath, the cap of a suitable parachute is attached with a tear-proof line. The payload is attached to its lines in a small Styrofoam container.

The payload is equipped with sensors to collect data on temperature, air pressure, humidity and cloud formation. In addition, there is a GPS receiver and a transmitter in the payload. The position, altitude, direction and speed of the balloon are permanently fed in by a Europe-wide network of receivers operated by radio amateurs, so that the entire flight can be observed and visualized directly online via the Internet.

The flight route is simulated in advance using weather models. According to the current simulation, the balloon will land in Austria in the Münzkirchen area. However, this is similar to the weather forecast: the closer the launch time comes, the more accurate and reliable is the prediction of the flight route.

The total mass (filled balloon, parachute, lines, payload) is less than 4 kg.

After launch, the balloon ascends to an altitude of about 30-40 km. In the stratosphere, the balloon envelope then bursts due to the low air pressure and the probe with the measurement equipment glides gently back to the ground on the parachute.

We would like to thank all the people who helped us to realize this event. First of all the Pocking Amateur Radio Association, all the university staff who supported us, the IEEE Germany Section and all the others who were involved.

In case of bad weather we will move the start to the following alternative dates:

  1. 16.07 Family Festival Pocking
  2. 23.07 Innwiese

We are really looking forward to this event and to the numerous spectators.