Single Page Applications with AngularJS

On 2015-01-15 our members Max and Sibi showed the JavaScript framework “AngularJS” to us. It’s a framework to create so called Single Page Applications, developed by Google and a huge community.

Using simple examples of how the framework could be used, they showed us how to use AngularJS (the slides are available on Github). Only view additions to the normal HTML code are needed to create some awesome dynamic effects.

After this they showed us how the framework is builded internally with simple and well designed components. The whole framework has a modern design approach and uses almost all design patterns from the famous “Gang of Four” book, as Sibi stated.

Both of them are using the framework at their employer in a professional environment and therefore there’s a need to have different tools to test code, which where shown afterwards. Neither unit tests nor continious integration nor coverage reports were missing in the tools they presented to us.

They had the opportunity to design a build and deployment process with their employer as well using more JavaScript based tools like npm or gulp.

Finally both showed us some project that use AngularJS, for example the YouTube application of the PlayStation3.

The IEEE Student Branch Passau thanks Max and Sibi for their interesting talk. We look forward to have them present more interesting topics by the future.