Retreat weekend 2015

The Weekend of the 12th to 14th July, one of our “Members-only” events, the retreat weekend took place. On Friday afternoon, 15 of our members started their trip to a small cottage in Haidmühle 45 minutes out of Passau near the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. As a special guest, the Past-Chair of the IEEE Student Branch from Regensburg followed our invitation and joined us.

After the arrival and check-in, the weekend got kicked of with coffee and self made pie. Later on, a keg of beer was tapped and we had a barbecue. Far into the night we sat together, chatted and played various games.

Early on Saturday morning, even before the big breakfast, some of us started the day with a jogging tour. Then some of us continued their games from the last evening while the others took a hike to the Dreisessel, a local mountain. The hour long walk to the tip was rewarded with a great view over the Bavarian Forest and the Bohemian Forest. For dinner we had a big bowl of paste with a selection of different sauces. Late at night the last game was won by Philipp, who subsequently was only called the “Imperator of the Universe”.

After the Sunday morning breakfast we packed up all our things into our cars and headed back home to Passau.