Professors face-to-face – Prof. Dr. Amft

On April 24, 2014 Prof. Dr. Amft has been our guest in a professors face-to-face. He spent one and a half hours to talk about his career, his research and his ambitions.

Professor Amft has been holding the new Chair for Sensors Technologies, which was created in the context of the “Technik Plus” program, since January 1, 2014. He deals with senors systems and their application in daily things like health or alimentation. Within this applications not only the hardware but also the software are big topics. One can easily imagine that sensors built into cloths would be much more comfortable than maybe the belts of heartbeat diagnostic tools. Main topics here are not only the integration of the sensors but also the quality of the measurement’s results.

Before coming to University of Passau, Professor Amft has been the leader of a research group at TU Eindhoven. From this group, three PhD students and one Post-Doc also moved to Passau.

After his studies in Electrical Engineering, Professor Amft did not immediately continue his way in the academic world, but has worked in economy for several years, before doing his PhD studies and finally moving to Eindhoven in 2009.

With teaching he wants to establish some other concepts beside the normal lectures. He organised a seminar in last summer’s semester break, in which the students did up-to-date research in small projects and increased their knowledge in a practical and interactive way. The feedback on this was excellent.

Although he is “married with his job” as a scientist, he really likes kite surfing and would be happy to receive some hints for good spots.

Due to many stays in foreign countries, Professor Amft has a large network of contacts and would provide them to students who are interested in a stay in a foreign country.

We thank Professor Amft for his time and an interesting and entertaining professors face-to-face session.