Looking back to the Eggdrop Contest 2014

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At the 7th of June 2014 our 5. Eggdrop Contest took place. This time it was part of the Campusfest. 9 teams had set themselves to the task of building an Eggdropper which is a construction to protect a raw egg from breaking while falling freely from a height of 20 meters onto the ground. At the end four of the nine teams succeeded.

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To lift the Eggdroppers into the air a turntable ladder was used which was provided by the volunteer fire department of Passau.

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gg Drop Contest IEEE Uni Passau|

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The scoring did not only include the state of the eggs but also how far away from a defined point the Eggdropper landed and the creativity put into the construction. It was no surprise that the winner was a complex and extraordinary Eggdropper named  “Hello-Kitty-Chainsaw-Massacre”.

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gg Drop Contest IEEE Uni Passau1|

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The team consisting of student firefighters scored the second place.

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gg Drop Contest IEEE Uni Passau2|

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Every participating team won a gift certificate provided by several bars and restaurants in Passau.

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We thank the fire department for their support and to all participants: enjoy your meal!

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.. |Egg Drop Contest IEEE Uni Passau| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/06/EDC14-063.jpg :class: aligncenter wp-image-5937 size-medium :width: 300px :height: 200px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/06/EDC14-063.jpg .. |Egg Drop Contest IEEE Uni Passau1| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/06/EDC14-074.jpg :class: aligncenter wp-image-5931 size-medium :width: 300px :height: 200px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/06/EDC14-074.jpg .. |Egg Drop Contest IEEE Uni Passau2| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/06/EDC14-041.jpg :class: aligncenter wp-image-5935 size-medium :width: 200px :height: 300px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/06/EDC14-041.jpg