
We want to thank our Sponsor CipSoft for paying for the gadgets and the pizza!

JRobots Coding Convention

.. figure:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :width: 300px :height: 163px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Arena.jpg :align: left :alt: The current JRobots-Framework

The current JRobots-Framework

A team, a bot and an arena. During four hours, the participants developed algorithms for a Java-Bot – Aiming, driving and shooting have to be perfect so a bot can stand its ground.

Your bot can drive around, can find the enemy with its scanner and is equipped with a fat cannon to kick you enemies ass. But beware! The enemy will not be standing still. He will try everything to hit you as much as he can.

The participants develop their own algorithms in Java and will deploy their bots in the arena. There it will fight against bots from other teams: The programmers may watch the battle but never intervene after it started. At the end, there will only be one winner…

That’s not as hard as it may sound. Even a beginner can take part and succeed. Of course, there will be tutors that help you, if you’re stuck. The framework is changed before every contest, so the new guys have the same chances as the old dogs.

During the last years, the JRobots events were sponsored by CipSoft. Their programmers continuously improved the framework during the last years. Especially, we want to thank Raymund Fülop and Wolfgang Scholz for their work.

Schedule Robots_Poster_1|

Normally the schedule looks like that:

11:00 JRobots-Introduction
Introduction to the JRobots-Framework

12:00 Pizza-Time

13:00 Robot-Coding
Extreme-Programming in the CIP-Pool. One Team, one PC, one Bot

18:00 Tournament
The showdown!

Past Events

Here you can find the posters of the old events.




.. |JRobots_Poster_1| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_1.jpg :class: wp-image-310 alignright :width: 180px :height: 254px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_1.jpg .. |JRobots_Poster_2| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_2.png :class: wp-image-312 alignright :width: 180px :height: 254px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_2.png .. |JRobots_Poster_3| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_3.png :class: wp-image-314 alignright :width: 180px :height: 255px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_3.png .. |JRobots_Poster_4| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_4.jpg :class: size-full wp-image-316 alignright :width: 300px :height: 122px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_4.jpg .. |JRobots_Poster_5| image:: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_5.jpg :class: size-full wp-image-318 alignright :width: 300px :height: 124px :target: {static}/uploads/2014/02/JRobots_Poster_5.jpg