Baby Steps—a Practical Introduction into Test-Driven Development

      students in the coding dojo by Iteratec.  The work shop will be in
      German.  Registration is required!

Test-driven development and pair programming will be taught to the students in the coding dojo by Iteratec. After an introduction into the topic we will start with a rather simple task. The students will be programming together with another student in a couple of sessions in a test-driven way. In very tiny steps we will work towards the solution. This guarantees much fun and excitement as the definition of the »next tiny step« usually differ. Furthermore, there is a customer and feedback loops between the sessions in order to increase the learning effect.


  1. participants should at least have basic programming knowledge
  2. computers with installed IDEs should be present
  3. all examples are in Java. Other languages are fine, as long the students know, how a test for this language is written.

Further information

We do not care to much on the IDE. If the students want the examples to be in Java we recommend Eclipse, IntelliJ or Netbeans. We also recommend Java 8 but Java 7 will work, too. We do not depend on an operating system but require the students to have worked with their IDE before.

After the event we will have dinner with the speakers. The workshop will be in German.


To participate please drop a short mail including your name to