IEEE Germany Student Conference 2015

On Wednesday, June 17th, four members of our branch took a long ride
to Hamburg to participate at the 6th IEEE Germany Student Conference at the TU Hamburg-Harburg. On our way we also picked up two members of the Regensburg Student Branch, who joined our ride.

After arriving at the Hostel near Hamburg’s football stadium, we started our search for a dinner at Hamburg’s wellknown “Schanzenviertel”. After having a breakfast the next morning, we took the S-Bahn to Harbug, where to conference took place. During this first day, also Thomas and Tommy gave their talk about “Live variables in CPAchecker”. In the afternoon, the social event of the conference was scheduled.

After a S-Bahn and bus ride, in which we thought of where Hamburg’s bus drivers got their license from, we finally arrived at the DESY, the German Electron Synchrotron, an accelerator for electrons. After an introduction about DESY and all its parts by a young physics PhD student, we took an elevator to about 30m under ground. There we could see parts of the big accelerator ring “Hera”, that’s turned off for years now. Afterwards we also had a short visit of one of their linear accelerators. The evening ended with the conference dinner at a nice restaurant right next to Hamburg harbor.

The next morning started with the second part of the conference, which wasn’t that interesting for us, as most talks where about topics of Electrical Engineering and we are all Computer Scientists. In the afternoon we visited the “Miniatur Wunderland”, one of the largest model railways in the world. In the evening we met with some other Student Branch board members for dinner.

On Saturday morning, the meeting of the chairmen of the German IEEE Student Branches took place, and after an afternoon of sightseeing or relaxing and a dinner, we drove home on Sunday.