FIM Barbecue Party

At the 17th of June 2014 we organized the FIM Barbecue Party together with the Fachschaft Informatik.

Professors, research assistants and students met at the place between
the FIM and the ITZ eating steaks and sausages and drinking beer. Even though the weather was not perfect at first, over 100 people
attended the party.

Along with food and drink, we saw to fun and excitement organizing the first Beer-Box-Far-Piling-Event.


Twelve teams competed in building a pile of beer-boxes, as long as
possible, and keeping it above the ground horizontally. The teams that won the first round succeeded in piling up to 14
beer-boxes. In the second round, we set up more complicated rules. Simultaneously the teams had to build a pile as large and as fast as possible. We limited the number of boxes to 23 which hat to be shared by the teams according to the “first come first served”-principle. In a thrilling final round, the team of the FS Philo (consisting of
Luisa, Bene and Jürgen) won the game against an “Info-Team” (consisting of Lisa, Johannes and Manuel).

On the third rank was a further “Info-Team” (consisting of Jennifer,
Claudia and Florian). The three winners got a (full) box of beer.


The band Chord Dump which consists of members of the faculty entertained us with live music.

We are delighted, that we had a nice barbecue-party and wish all members of the faculty a good further semester.

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