
On the 5/17 we were honored by ex-student branch member Tobias Hilbig from Munich, who shared his knowledge about crypto-currencies and so called “Smart Contracts”. He gave a technical introduction on how the blockchain functions, how crypto-currencies, especially Bitcoin, developed and how realistic the relevance of this topic might be in the future. All of this was shown with examples of transactions and multiple statistics. Also an insight into the Do’s and Don’ts of trading crypto-currencies was given. Additionally Tobias gave tips for those who themselves wanted to enter the world of mining and crypto-currencies after this talk, by offering sources for further research and tips for beginners in general. In conclusion the talk supplied a great entrance into the topic for people who only heard about crypto-currencies in the news, but also technical background information for those who maybe already traded digital money but did not understand the algorithms behind it.

The slides for this presentation can be found here.