Continuous Integration for Everybody

Setting up Continous Integration for a project can be quick and easy. Using a Java project with Maven, Jenkins and GitLab as an example, Thomas showed us how they ensure code quality at ONE LOGIC.

On June 21, our former member Thomas Stieglmaier from ONE LOGIC visited us, to show us how easy, fast and for everyone to use Continuous Integration (CI) is . For this he began with an overview of the software development process that starts before the first commit, continues with multiple code reviews until the next release and then starts over again. A powerful and often used tool for managing a software project is Maven. Maven stands out for being integrated into IDEs, as well as having a good dependency management. The resulting build script is neither large nor complex. To ensure the code quality, various tools can be integrated and be used to keep up to date with the development of the software in question. Thomas presented us two build system tools for CI: GitLab and Jenkins. Both support the most important functions to run CI. For occasional and small projects in the private sector GitLab is probably the most appropriate choice, as not much has to be prepared by yourself. In the business environment, you hardly come around without Jenkins, because it is more powerful and has more detailed error messages, but is also harder to set up. Thomas rounded the talk off with a vivid live demo including configuration examples. Then ONE LOGIC invited us to pizza, where we ended the evening.

The code for the live demo can be found under the following link:

You can download the slides of the talk here:

Continuous Integration for Everybody <{static}/uploads/2018/07/CI_Talk_IEEE.pdf>_