Online Games - From Idea to Operations (starting 4pm)

        that the resulting game is not only fun, but fulfills the sales
        expectations of the company as well. Game designers, graphics
        artists and programmers work hand in hand during conception and
        development of a game. Subsequently, support, community managers,
        and content designers tend to the needs of the player community.
        The process of developing a video game is not only a creative one
        but provides a great number of technical and organizational
        challenges.  The talk is starting at 4pm!

For a game idea to mature into a product it has to be made certain that the resulting game is not only fun, but fulfills the sales expectations of the company as well. Game designers, graphics artists and programmers work hand in hand during conception and development of a game. Subsequently, support, community managers, and content designers tend to the needs of the player community. The process of developing a video game is not only a creative one but provides a great number of technical and organizational challenges.

The presentation will shed some light on the life cycle of online games in its three phases of innovation, development, and operation using current examples from CipSoft GmbH. A focus is set on the development of prototypes with the Unity game engine and the application of artificial intelligence in games.

CipSoft is located in Regensburg and has been operating one of the oldest massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG), Tibia, for over 15 years. With over 80 permanent employees CipSoft has made a sustainable development since 2001. Based on the success of Tibia CipSoft is working on the implementation of new, innovative online games.

The talk is starting at 4pm!