6. IEEE Programming Advent calendar

Not in the mood for chocolate but you like the thought of an Advent calendar? You don’t know what to do with all the time until Christmas? Then take the challenge and participate in the Advent calendar of the IEEE Student Branch Passau!

This is already the sixth iteration of our big programming Advent calendar with a small (or bigger) challenge for each day. We provide interesting tasks for novice coders as well as experienced developers.

Just write a small program in the language of your choice - we support over 25! - upload it to our website and see, if you mastered the challenge. The best participants will, as every year, win great prices.

Interested? Register at https://ieee.uni-passau.de/advent and start solving your first task. This year we have a special treat for all you English speaking participants. We have updated our system and now provide the tasks in English as well as in German, so everyone - even world wide - can enter the contest. Special thanks go out to our sponsors, the Chair of Software Engineering at the University of Passau, for provides us with a cluster of evaluation systems, the Centre for Information Technology and Media Services for providing the infrastructure, msg systems, Iteratec and ONE LOGIC for providing prices and all creators of tasks at those companies and other chairs at the University of Passau.