Development of Leadership Skills

Die IEEE Student Branch Passau lädt ein zu einem Soft-Skill-Seminar zum Thema “Development of Leadership Skills”. Das Seminar findet statt am Freitag, den 21.11. von 14 bis 18 Uhr und am Samstag, den 22.11. von 9 bis 12:30 Uhr. Wie fast alle unsere Events findet es statt im Raum 242 im 2. Stock der FIM.

Dozent ist Prof. Richter von der Uni Graz, der viel Erfahrung mit solchen Kursen hat.

Es gibt zwar keine ECTS-Punkte, dafür müsst ihr auch keine Prüfung absolvieren. Ein Teilnahmezertifikat gibts natürlich auf jeden Fall!

Die Anmeldung ist nun geschlossen.


This workshop will introduce participants into interpersonal, group, team and leadership skills. The format for the workshop is through interactive participation, using several exercises and case studies. The skills developed are appropriate for application in management or leadership positions in various types of organisations including business, industry or volunteer activities.

An important part will deal with problem solution and co-operation with difficult team members by a proper involvement in the process of problem solving and decision making. In the workshop the different types of conflicts as well as various strategies and its consequences will be analyzed. Choosing the right team is a preventive measure to minimise the causes of conflicts and during controversial discussions it is important to have a team which acts as objectively as possible by keeping to the facts and weighing the consequences of the decisions. To select the right person for a position it is very useful to know and to categorise its personality. Self tests and its evaluation as well as case studies will help to understand a scheme of personality types presented.

Informationen zum Dozenten

Kurt R. Richter (IEEE Life Fellow) graduated in Communication Engineering in 1958 and received his PhD 1961 from the Technical University Vienna (TUW), Austria. He was Professor at TUW before he became Full Professor for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University Graz (TUG), Austria, in 1975. Since 2000 he is Professor Emeritus at TUG. From 1971 to 1973 he spent 2 years at NASA in USA.

Since 1980 he is actively involved in IEEE in many positions (Founding chairman of the IEEE Austria Section, Director of IEEE Region 8 etc.). Currently he is chairman of the IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Committee. He is corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and honorary member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.

From 2001 on he is involved in an IEEE Region 8 leadership training program and trainer for “Development on Leadership Skills” in this program. He has conducted many workshops in Europe as well as in Egypt, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, United Arabic Emirates and Bahrain.